A times, majority generally think that dieting is the only way that people can always do so as they can
actually get sexy body. But the fact is, you can do so many other things which
will give you the same results. Dieting is not actually easy to do and many
people find it very difficult to continue after more than 10-15 days.
instead of dieting, below Dr. Ravi Dhaliya gives us six (6) of the activities which you can do
everyday so as to burn calories for a sexy body.
Burns 136 calories in 15 minutes
It is not always required to go to a court to burn calories.
You can simply find a flat surface or wall on which you can hit your ball. Play
alternate backhand and forehand shots and see how many you can play without
missing. Stand a little farther, probably 10 to 25 feet, because it will force
you to play harder. Try to hit 70-100 shots at a time to get the optimum
Burns 85 calories in 15 minutes
fast can help to cut down your calories. But one thing which you should keep in
mind, you have to walk fast to get the full benefit. Walking slow will help you
in no way. Make sure that your hands move back and forth instead of side
to side while you walk. Your legs, butt and core are some of the calorie
burning muscles in your body which is targeted here.
Burns 174 calories in 15 minutes
must have noticed that many of the Olympic runners actually are quite slim. The
reason for this is that your butt, legs and core are the biggest fat burning
muscles of your body. While you run, keep your arms close to your body and your
feet low to the ground to get optimum results. To reduce the impact try to land
in the middle of your foot.
170 calories in 15 minutes
is actually one of the favorite training methods of the pro boxers. To get the
optimum result, try to use a rope with handles which will reach only to your
armpits when you stand in the middle of it. While you jump, stand upright and
keep your feet low to the ground. Keep your legs a little apart from each
other. If you don’t have a rope, you can get the same benefits when you do the
activity rope-less.
5. Skating
212 calories in 15 minutes
is actually one of the best activities to burn your calories. The best part
about skating is you can get optimum benefit even without giving too much of
pressure on your legs and joints. In skating, your core has to work a lot to
keep you balanced. Try to skate in a steady pace. Never forget to wear your
helmets, knee and elbow pads and the wrist guards.
6. Dancing
110 calories in 15 minutes
may think that this may not be that effective like the other ones, but have you
ever seen dancers? They are so slim and fit. Dancing can be calorie-burning,
dynamic and fun all at the same time. Dance with the beats with high tempos
with high rhythms. Pick up any high rhythm Bollywood music for that matter.
Play slow tempos towards the last to cool you down.
following above simple activities you can burn calories for sexy body.
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