1st May, celebrated in many countries as a traditional springtime festival or as an international day when workers are honored. May Day on May 1 is usually a public holiday; but in Nigeria, the Govt extended it till Monday. It is also a traditional spring holiday in many cultures. Dances, singing, and cake are usually part of the celebrations that the day includes.
May Day commemorates the struggle for fair labor practices and the Haymarket Affair of 1886, when US Labor Unions gathered in a general nationwide strike supporting an eight-hour work day. More than a dozen people were killed after a three-day strike and rally. This event is observed on May 1st each year and it’s known as “International Worker’s Day” which is many countries is Labor Day.
Our Message And Prayer
May is here! It’s unbelievable how fast this year is going. It seemed like only yesterday we were ringing in the New Year and now we’re almost halfway through 2015. May 1, also called May Day comes charged with a lot of festivities celebrating both spring and workers.
Labor was the first price, the original purchase-money that was paid for all things.It was not by gold or by silver, but by labor, that all wealth of the world was originally purchased. Therefore, all Labor That Uplifts Humanity, Has Dignity And Importance, And Should Be Undertaken With Painstaking Excellence.
The fruits of all our labors have left us as we started. To grow without is not to grow within. May your days be beautiful like the buds of May
Mr Frank Susu
Colossus Gists (Mgt)
Mr Frank Susu
Colossus Gists (Mgt)
Happy Labor Day to all laborers!! Happy New Month!!
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