class was indeed awesome as it was Raw, Uncut, Humorous and Direct. We
learnt that Money is very Important. Everything that money bought is
good, if not remove money from everything and it looses Glory!!
Just as You don't learn Driving by Prayers, also you don't make money by Prayers. You need learning, after which practice follows suite. Because anything multiplied by 0 is = "0" Whatever you know, you Do! You can hear, but you cant do because you don't know it.
Just as You don't learn Driving by Prayers, also you don't make money by Prayers. You need learning, after which practice follows suite. Because anything multiplied by 0 is = "0" Whatever you know, you Do! You can hear, but you cant do because you don't know it.
UP NEXT - 'UNDERSTANDING MONEY 101' with Pastor Olumide Emmanuel [CLICK HERE]
The session was indeed too practical and we sorry we wont be able to exhaust all, we encourage you purchase the DVD's or CD's
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