The professions related to IT technologies are the most popular and high-paid nowadays. More and more people go getting a technical education in order to be able find the job in this field. One of the wide-spread professions in the IT sphere is graphic designer. And today we are going to learn about pros and cons of this particular specialization.
A designer is a master of creating the beauty in the surrounding. A graphic designer is a master of creating beauty inside the computer environment. Most of the people see it advantageous to be a graphic designer, while there are still others who think completely on the contrary. To help you make your own mind about the profession, get acquainted with its advantages and disadvantages.
#1 – You are to work in a creative environment
A graphic designer profession is the right one to turn on your imagination and dive into the world of creativity. There are no written strict rules to follow, all you have to do is listen to your feelings and convert them into a product of your oeuvre.
#2 – You will have a huge client base
Almost every kind of business goes online today, and so each one of them needs a graphic designer. Whether it is a new marketing project or a new web-page design, the graphic designer services will be always much demanded and are easily found on the web-sites like Jiji.
#3 – You got a chance to work remotely
One of the biggest pluses of a graphic designer profession is the ability to work from home. All you need is a computer with a software and comfortable pajamas. There is no need to work 9 to 5 – just grab a cup of coffee and get started.
#4 – You can learn on your own
While most of professions require special diploma, to become a graphic designer is available via free online courses. If you got brains and some friends to help you out in the beginning, then it’s all in your hands. You can also find the learning courses on Jiji that will help you make your first steps in a graphic designer profession.
#5 – The salary is pretty high
As all IT computing jobs, a graphic designer job is a highly paid one. Besides, there is no fixed wage as you are paid for the projects you get done. And it’s up to you how many projects to take and how much money to make on them.
#1 – Strict deadlines
Sometimes there is no time to set sail to the world of creativity as there are strict project deadlines one must follow. This can turn out to be a stressful thing sometimes making you work day and night just to meet all the deadlines.
#2 – Details will make or break you
Graphic designer must all be about precision and details. Sometimes a small change in a color shade can turn all of the design upside down. So you have to pay much attention to all the details, otherwise your product won’t sell.
#3 – Annoying clients
If you choose to be a graphic designer, get used to be interrupted during your dinnertime by the customer who wants the text on their web site to be changed to lime green immediately.
#4 – Tough competition
The competition among graphic designers is really tough, so you got to constantly learn and improve your skills in accordance with the latest updates in the IT sphere.
#5 – Working for free to build portfolio
At the very start of your career get ready to work completely for free just to make your own portfolio. Of course, there is nothing wrong with it as every good graphic designer had once started the same. Just don’t lose the inspiration and be sure you are to accomplish great things soon.
Make you dream of becoming a graphic designer possible with Jiji
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