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» » » » » » » » #BBNaija – Day 58: Figuring out the Fake Housemate, Filming a Music Video + More Highlights!
FEATURED - Dealing With Multiple Passions with Ms. Elle
IT’S OFFICIAL! Anambra Got Talent Is Back For Season 2 #AnambraGotTalent2

Did you watch Day 58 of the Big Brother reality TV show?

If you missed it we’ve got the highlights for you!


Lights, camera, action!

It’s the second stage of the Song Task and the Housemates were taken through a music video training session.

Taking them through the session was film director and cinematographer T-Base. He trained them on camera usage, as well as took them through some of the other equipment used in the recording of the video.

This week, themed “Nigerian Entertainment Week”, the Housemates have to compose a song, shoot the song’s music video, as well as make a short film. Biggie sent in music producer and songwriter, Don Jazzy and new kids on the block, the DNA Twins to help the Housemates with their song.

Reading the Task brief, the Ultimate HoH Efe relayed Biggie’s message that there was a lot to cover, with very little time.

As with all the other guests that have visited the House, the Housemates welcomed T-Base with excitement and they were more than eager to learn, asking questions every now and then.

To begin the training, T-Base told them that one of the first things they needed to check was the camera battery. He then asked the Housemates if they had already come up with a story line for their video but they were a little unsure first, before saying they had played around with a few ideas.

The Housemates were then shown how to set up the camera and use the props. It was then time to put the training into action! They attempted, with the help of T-Base. Let’s see what they come up with.

Housemates discuss video story line ideas

The Housemates spent the better part of the afternoon fine-tuning the story line of their music video.

While it seemed to take shape towards the late afternoon, there were quite a number of debates around the whole idea. This was expected, given the different dynamics and all in the House.

The story line was one of the first aspects of the music video that Film Director and Cinematographer, T-Base asked if they had already figured out when he visited them in the morning. The purpose of the visit was to train them on camera use and he also showed them some of the other equipment used to shoot a music video.

The Housemates had told him they had played around several ideas and were thinking of going with the idea along the lines of portraying Nigeria as a beautiful woman. Immediately after taking them through the equipment, the Housemates asked T-Base if they could have a few test runs.

They started off with a scene where a young beautiful lady walks through a door and is charmed by a young man. They took turns in using the camera and would pitch in a few suggestions as they continued.

By the end of the session, T-Base mentioned he felt they were in fact ready and further wished them all the best, before leaving. The Housemates went back to adding a few more suggestions to what they had already come up and this lasted until the late afternoon.

Fake Housemates and filmmaking

Nigerian Entertainment Week has been quite enlightening with our Housemates getting shown the ropes by some of the biggest audio-visual artists in the business starting with the one and only, Don Jazzy, yesterday. Bisola and Marvis finally got their chance to reminisce about his visit and they gushed as they spoke about what an “exhilarating” recording session it had been.

“Even when he sighed it was like music to my ears!” Bisola exclaimed. She also seemed to have taken quite a liking to the cinematography Task assuming the role of Assistant Director for the video and Director for the short film. She even came up with the Horror movie concept and wrote the script too. That said, she gave props to Bassey calling him a natural at direction and Marvis echoed the same sentiment.

Debie-Rise and TBoss were in agreement with their peers in that they’d found T-Base’ session very enlightening with the latter saying she couldn’t wait to start experimenting with all the buttons she’d never known how to operate. Debie-Rise complimented his pace and the way he explained very technical terms in a manner that was easy to digest.

The Housemates overheard deliberately, a leaked audio a few weeks back that alluded to the fact that there was a fake Housemate in the House. Bally hypothesized that it might be TBoss because she was the first person to go to the Diary Room when they came into the House and she’d survived Eviction so many times. Some of the other Housemates also thought that it might be ThinTallTony as they couldn’t make sense of the fact that such a strong competitor had been eliminated.

By the time the Diary Sessions were done, Bisola had already written out the script and mapped out the scenes for their short film with Bassey’s help. There was hysterical laughter as she read through it and joked about TBoss’ character complimenting the “clean” and “sanitary” floor. Next, she revealed that Marvis and Bally would share a passionate kiss and Efe immediately screamed  “Ultimate Kisser!” and protested saying he could also play the husband while everyone laughed.

It looks like things are taking shape nicely and the Housemates have really picked up some incredible skills this week. Biggie said he’s expecting a “masterpiece!”. How do you think they’re going to perform?

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FEATURED - Dealing With Multiple Passions with Ms. Elle
IT’S OFFICIAL! Anambra Got Talent Is Back For Season 2 #AnambraGotTalent2

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