Nollywood actress, director and producer, Omoni Oboli has been left with no other option but to cancel the premiere of Okafor’s Law which was scheduled to hold in Lekki today. Omoni Oboli was served court injunction earlier today after a lawsuit filed by Raconteur Productions over allegations that she infringed on writer, Jude Idada‘s intellectual property.
According to Idada, Oboli ‘stole’ his work for the controversial Okafor’s Law without giving him due credit or remuneration. It can be confirmed that this night’s premiere has been called off amidst tears from Oboli.
This also means that, except for unforeseen happenings, the film originally scheduled for cinemas on March 31 will have to wait a little longer.
In an emotional speech in which she announced the cancellation of the event, the producer said that she owns the story and script. ‘My story, my script, my film!’ a visibly shaken Oboli said.
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