Former Manchester United star, Wayne Rooney has found himself in serious trouble following cheating rumours. Worried Wayne Rooney has begged wife Coleen: “Please don’t walk out. I’m desperate for our marriage to work.” The Sun has reported.
The comes after she refused to take their three boys to watch him play for Everton yesterday. Pregnant Coleen, 31, is said to have deliberately given her husband the cold shoulder by avoiding the home clash with Spurs.
Rooney's problem started after he was arrested in a drink-drive incident while out partying with Laura Simpson, 29 many believe he is allegedly sleeping with.
A source said: “Wayne has pleaded his innocence of doing anything with Laura and told Coleen he will do anything to keep the family together.
“He has told her that she and the kids are his world.
“But it has been very tense all week and Coleen has been making it clear she hasn’t decided whether to forgive him.”
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