A U.S. Coast Guard was patrolling the Eastern Pacific Ocean when he spotted a large sea turtle tangled in 26 bales of cocaine that was floating in the waves. While officials are used to seeking out drugs that are transported throughout various waterways, they have yet to come across a site as humorous as an innocent turtle being caught within a drug trafficking attempt.
According to Coast Guard Ensign Mark Krebs, a helicopter cruising above initially spotted the mound of drugs and notified authorities on boat, who when arriving on the scene, noticed the entangled turtle struggling to set itself free while its neck and flippers chaffed from the lines.
Just to reiterate, at street value, 1,800 pounds of cocaine equates to a potential profit of $53 million. If only the turtle knew the fortune it had stumbled upon as it innocently roamed around. However, this isn’t the first “fishy” cocaine-related news story, as former Miami Dolphins coach Chris Foerster recently resigned after a video surfaced of him snorting lines went viral.
Check out a video of the rescue below:
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