'Shoot Me in the Head.' Video Footage Shows the Toronto Van Attack Suspect's Arrest - Yahoo
13 trucks line up under a bridge to stop a man from contemplating suicide on Michigan freeway - Business Insider
A fake chain message on Snapchat says all your 'Memories' will be deleted if you don't share it ' Don't worry, it's not true (SNAP) - Business Insider
A loud whistling noise halted trading on 7 global stock markets for several hours - Business Insider
A popular text therapy app plans to start prescribing drugs to users ' and it's part of a major expansion - Business Insider
A Rikers Island Doctor Debuts At Tribeca Film Festival, With Help From This Artist-Led VR Company - Forbes
A Rikers Island Doctor Debuts At Tribeca Film Festival, With Help From This Artist-Led VR Company - Forbes
A Scintillating Hour From Liverpool But Late Goals Provide Roma Sliver Of Hope In Champions League - Forbes
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