As we await its release, below is the transcript for Dwayne 'The Rock' Johnson and Neve Campbell as they open up about 'Skyscraper' during their recent interview on E!. This transcript has been automatically generated and may not be 100% accurate.
Enthey are so excited we'rt to talk to two edible guests. E of the biggest action STA on the planet. I think he's actual The biggest literally and physically, Dwayne Johnson and an actress who's bee mak us.
They're starringn "skyscraper"and jng us L rightow fr Hong Kong thanks to our sponsor hey. . THA you, guy, so much. Good to see everybodythere. The audience, good morning, America. Michael, Amy, Cecilia.
Good to see you guy. Bore we get to the movie we want to congratulate both for the new additions to your family, Dwayne, you had baby girl. Neve, you adopted a little boy. Cotulations too bothment I'm curious, Y been trading parenting tips set?
Have we been tra parenting tips? I don't know.your wife sent us a beautiful ba whichas lovely. I sent you the basket because Atay and I like to create baskets. Ou ow I means was one of those Ms that wa kind of very special. Wend out that we were having a baby on "Skyser."
And I spoke about her adopting a baby att time. Yes in our wrer/directo facetimed his wifes she gave birth on set S reallyhere were a lot of bs on "Skyper." A lot of "Skyscraper" babies. I tell you what, we gav one of our "Gma" onesies to you he last time but'tve neve out so flew O to Hong Kong St so she could have one for her baby Bo Oh, yougu that'sadorable thank you very much. You are mor than welcome.
That's awesome. Than so we're live and where's my gift, ? Oh, no? Here you go. There you go. What isthat? Aking of giftshat this is, what this is this called a Hong konskyline and we ar I the ozone bar here in auful Hong Kong with this amazing skyline. The tallest bar I theworld.
This I the talar in the world I the biggest building in Hong Kong. As you surprised U with ts beautiful onesie there is a surprising for you a well. Just gotit. Yours is in unfortunately. Thank U. You guys are' drinking yours but we'ller to you and have a little sip of T cock.
Fancy. Ws not drinking? Oh, you are dg. So cheers. It's a mocktail. Dwayne, you talked about the incredible view youave so tell what you love about Hong Kong. What I love about Hong KO is the culture of Hong Kong. Hong Kong was pbly the last major aan city that I have N had the privilegef visiting andnding time in and, you know, our movie "Skyscraper," E movie is set in Hong Kong.
A lot of research went into it so there was a lot of reverence and respect to the Chinese lture B Hong Kong is inedible tous. Here all we V welcoming. The food fantastic and the drinks as you know phenal and the buildings are really incredible. It is a vca city and J spectacular. Really a pleasure tohere. We clip of it.
Let's take ak. What I need to engage braking system, 500 feet from here until the fireline. Want to count T five and pull the hand This is crazy. Trust me. Okay. How you doing, bu Scared. It's okay T besced. In order to be brave got to be a little scar O N order toe brave, we got Toa little scared.
There is GHT. Neve, we love you inhe "Cream" Fran cliez and everybody W screaming in THA but people ING their fitbit because thisakes intensity T a whole newlevel. It most defy does. People saying they're scaredf heights are struggling a little bit but ink is just an addition, extra adrenalineo watch themovie, realler coaster ride. You broughtthis fit bit thing.
What we've been calling is a fit bitphenomen people going wit their fit bits andeporting heart rates over 100 sitting down so you H vertigo, take a friend. Goodluck. Might need to take a friend. Our hs are racing seeing at the top of T huge buildings and certa have no fear of heights to make this movie.
Is there anythingthisl is that you're afraid of? I mean, well, ink we're live for world so that -- the answer W be, no,'m not afraid of anything. But if the cameras weren't rolling,yes, I get afraidf lot ofhings especiallhen I ppen to scrp with my lovely lady at home, I fier her very quickly. Dwayne, neve said one of her favorite action films is "Jumanji." How do you feel about movies ke "Scream".
That was one of the reasons I was trying Noto fan boy out andt cool and, hey, you kind of did THA movie. You did that thing. Yell, was thatheyell, oh, yeah, scream. Neve, neve obviously, she was amazing this those movies and a career she's hand I got to say what an honor and privilege is she'saking her big sn debut again, re-emerginto the big screen with our movie and does a gre job of mommaear doing everything S to protect her babies and what a gre job.
Ll love it. We had such a great together. We are excited. Going to best bse you'll be here with us next week so we canno wait for that. Joy Hong Kong for the R of the time you are there. K you for join us and thanou for the mock Kales. We love it. Cheers to you. "Skyscraper," it H theaters next day, July 13th.well re have Dwayne and neve here and thes can live all next week you don't want to M that.
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