A girl cools off in a public fountain during the 2018 World Cup in Krasnodar, Russia, on Wednesday. (AP Photo/Manu Fernandez)
Residents of the World Cup host city of Samara are being urged to take showers in pairs because the influx of fans is putting a strain on water supplies, reporters tell Colossus Gists.
Due to heat and 'thousands of guests' in Russian city of Samara, there's a strain on water supply
The Samara Communal Systems utility company says the combination of a heat wave and "thousands of guests" have meant it's providing 10% more cold water than normal, causing water pressure to drop in some neighborhoods.
The company advises locals to "save water—take showers in pairs," adding a smiley face to its message, which came via a press release. Samara is due to host England's quarterfinal game against Sweden on Saturday.
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