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» » » » » » Interview with Mr. Okechi Frank - ASPIRANT FOR ANSU SUG GOVERNOR
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As the academic year re-opens once again, this is the most critical period or moment where the students are to choose that One Man who would represent them in all their academic activities for the next Academic Session. Students are all advised to choose wisely and not to be fooled neither employ sentiments. Colossus Gists went all the way to Anambra State University to have a little chat with a promising young Governor.

  • Can We Meet You Sir?
Of course, yes My name is Okechi Franklin

  • Tell Us About Your Background

I hail from Achalla in Awka North Local Govt. Area. went to St. Charles College class of 2007. Currently studying Computer Science in Anambra State University, Uli. (ANSU) in my  300level

  • What Do You Do For A Living?

I'm a student and equally a Peace Corp Officer

  • What Is Your Role In The Ongoing SUG Presidential Election?

I am going for the office of Governor SUG. Between 2007 and 2011, I work in Alexanderson Firm, Estate & Business Management Consultants Depts. in Engineering

  • Tell Us About Frank Foundation?

Frank foundation is a nonprofit/partisan project designed to touch lives aid in stabilizing the beauty, integrity, resourcefulness & strengthen existing platforms for good reading culture. Equally promoting entrepreneur in the minds of students  

  • Any Merits?

  • Awards?

Lots of award;

  1. Award of excellence given to Frank Foundations From Peace Corps of Nigeria.
  2. The best student entrepreneur.

  • Your Inspirations?

My inspirations comes from the Holy Spirit

  • What Is Your Own View On ANSU Election Poll?

a. Should incase the Peoples Mandate emergs winner, they should work together in moving the school to another level. 
b. leave footprints in students mind and the school at large

c. Election is indecisive till it’s over

  • What’s The Biggest Misconception People Have About You?

judging me from afar. Misinterpreting Me alot. Judging me from afar without getting to know me, misinterpretation  

  • What have you done for ANSU to help enhance it for students?

A lot! Let me mention but a few;

  1. I offer free online course registration to all ANSU Students, Uli. It started last academic session 2013/2014, and will continue till 2016.
  2. Designed a metropolitan map of the campus, for easy assessment  and mostly for fresher's to see d campus in a glance. Having them Pasted in strategic places inside school.
  3. We deemed it fit to give orientation to new students in the campus. On what is obtainable, to avoid saying, I was not told.
  4. Enlightenment: We give them the orientation via fliers, bills, addressing them etc .
  5. Above all, we initiated first ever ANSU Quote for the week Motivational & inspirational quotes for ANSU students.to control their mindsets & to manage the rate at which students lose their getup & go, thereby increasing the spirit of Aluta.
  6. We send sms to students wishing them happy new month, success during exams, journey mercy after exam, etc
  7. The last but not the least. We have a page on facebook, Frank Foundation Anambra State University Uli. In that page, we award prizes to Any ANSU student that participates in the quiz during the weekend every Saturday morning by 9am. And gets our questions correctly. On that page we allow students to talk to us directly, if they have any problem ie for enquiry /assistance/support, & that’s the essence of the page. Thereby able to get legit information from Frank himself. we equally upload our weekly quotes for reference purposes.Our map is there. our free online registration form. Etc .
  8. We equally give award to the best students @ the end of each semester & academic session. Our first ever award ceremony is coming up soon within the school environment. We want to encourage the serious minded students and motivate the sleeping ones to buckle down to serious work.

  • Do You Have Any Rival In The Ongoing Elections?

Yes! Though you know there is always room for stepping down, one of us might decide not to go again or get screened off. But I came across a quote that says if not going all the way, why going at all
  • What are you aspiring for?

I aspire to lead ANSU to the next level

  • What do you intend to do if this election is in your favor?

I intend to build a website, an official SUG website sponsored by school management where we can have an interaction among the SUG Excos and students. Know their offices, achievements, work, profile, get legit information from the PRO. For example, just like we have new dean of students affair, HOD's, students gets to know.

The past VC will b there, their achievements, awards won by students, students achievements, our models, pay them & fix their profiles there, our artiste, school team, SUG runners up aspirant etc for reference purposes. We do adverts there Fetch revenue for SUG. Get a tricycle running within the school vicinity for revenue. Then reduce the prize of food at SUG canteen.

They have light 24/7, give cold water free at least for a space time at afternoon after walking on the hot sun. I have a lot to do, but let me stop here for now.

The website has been designed already and will host it immediately I assume office. Our models I mean Face if ANSU, Mr & Miss ANSU, Miss NUSSA Miss NUESA Etc Their pix & profile will be on the site from immediate past to present. They can direct their clients to the site Reference people there in the future Students will b motivated, the spirit of contest will b increased n value added. The essence of the free water to control excess intake of untreated water by students. Organize it, make it mind blowing.

The essence of the site is to increase/promote entrepreneurship in the minds of students. Knowing fully well u will b advertised. Our SUG best rapper, fastest rapper, igbo rapper etc upcoming artistes will be listed with their songs. Bloggers will be recognized for events, parties, inductions etc. We will have ANSU news from ANSU radio mass com dept Igbariam. A lot will be on the site. ANSU best choir. School football team. School basketball team.   

Please is this young gentleman not worthy enough to be the next ANSU SUG Governor? if you have any reason why this young man cant be the SUG President, Hmmmmmm!!! Who then una wan come use? visit Frank Foundation HERE

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