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» » » » » » » How to Get the Fire Burning in Your Relationship Again - Kiley Morrow
Senate Approves Death Sentence For Kidnapping
Music: Ruddy - No Be Lie | @rudypwesh

Nothing worthwhile comes by chance. All good things take some level of commitment and effort. Relationships require work too. The best relationships are those that have been deliberately sculptured to be and look like what the two lovers want.

You can revive your relationship and the get the fire burning again. All it takes is you taking the time to do some fundamental things consistently.

Here are some of the ways you can revive your floundering relationship and make it shine again.

• Quality over Quantity
When you’ve been with your partner for a considerable amount of time, you will fall into some very unproductive routines. In the case of spending time together, if you are not conscious of it, you will drift away into distractions and not be actively engaged in the moment.

With the many distractions demanding your attention from your phone to laptop to the TV, you can be in a room with your partner and not be really there. The point of spending time with your lover is to actually be there – both physically and emotionally. 

Being present involves maintaining eye contact when conversing, not multitasking when engaged in a conversation, paying attention to the actual feelings you partner is communicating and not interrupting unnecessarily. 
You will be surprised how the smallest improvements you make in the level of attention you give to your partner lead to the biggest results. It’s not so much how much time you spend with your partner, but the quality of the time you spend together.

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• Revive Your Sex Life
Sex is one of those things one can use as a litmus test to gauge the health of a relationship. People in healthier relationships tend to have a more active and fulfilling sex life. 

Your sexual attraction for each other or sexual activity with one another can be either a cause or a symptom of the faltering relationship. When one of the partners feels that their sexual needs are not being met in the relationship, they may start to withdraw and the withdrawal will end up feeding a negative feedback loop that will lead to your relationship tanking. Also, if the relationship is suffering in other areas, the strains may spill over to your sex life. But there are simple things you can do to help. 

To get the fire back in your sex life, begin by doing the smallest romantic things and then scale your way up as the positive vibes return. One of the most powerful tools available to you that established couples tend to ignore is touch. 

Romantic touch communicates attraction and if you touch a person you love consistently and in the right manner, they’ll begin to respond to you. Since you are in a relationship together, initiating touch shouldn’t be a problem. You used to touch each other in several ways when your relationship was younger. You can do it now.

• Take a Trip Together
A romantic vacation is the true definition of spending quality time together as a couple. If your relationship is suffering because you aren’t spending enough time together, you can reverse the strains in your relationship by just being in a romantic vacation.

There are several great destinations that offer couples packaged vacations. The Caribbean boasts of amazing all-inclusive resorts that will pamper you and bring you together. Just make sure you choose one of the romantic couples resorts, not the family-friendly ones. Nothing ruins a romantic vacation more than the shrill tones of of children’s voices. 

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• Date Nights to Sustain Romance
As noted earlier, all good things take some work. A healthy romantic relationship will need to be consistently cultivated and tended to so the fire doesn’t burn out. One of the easiest ways to ensure that all the strains in your relationship are ironed out before they grow into big problems is to have a consistent forum to share how you feel.

Remember, though, that date nights are not meant for complaining. Yes, you can share your feelings, but the goal is to have fun with your lover in a relaxed traditional way where there is no pressure on either of you to perform.

• Get Active
Doing physical stuff such as a light jog or tennis match with your partner will bring you closer to each other. When is the last time you exercised with your partner? Few things can be as fun and as disarming as getting sweaty with the person you love no matter the physical activity you are engaged in.

You don’t have to do anything complicated. Something as simple as a jog in the evening can do. If you want to keep it extremely light, you can just take a walk.

Kiley Morrow

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Senate Approves Death Sentence For Kidnapping
Music: Ruddy - No Be Lie | @rudypwesh

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